Thursday, April 2, 2009

Search Histoire

So, I would post a picture of my google searches BUT I left my email signed on a home's PC where my brother goes online, and my findings were not at all accurate...

Anyways, if someone were to view my searches, I think it would be pretty obvious that I am a student. Firstly, because there are about a million searches through Google Books for "Documenting the Documentary" and "The Beaver Bites Back" which I do not consider leisurely reads. Also because I frequently search on Google Scholar. Actually, someone could probably figure out what kind of classes I was taking or what my paper topics were because I recently wrote 5 marathon essays.

Other than school, my searches often are about music and lyrics. (PS- I downloaded this thing called Tunelyrics which is an app for macs that is AWESOME, it runs with your iTunes and retrieves lyrics as the song plays) I also have searched for local bus transit, lifeguarding sites, file sharing sites, and local websites especially for movie times.

In conclusion, a third party would be able to find out my musical interests, that I have worked or work in aquatics, where I live, and that I love going to the movies on Tuesdays because it is cheap night in my hometown. They would also know what school I go to and where I plan on going next year. Overall, this kind of creeps me out. And if I went through that AOL fiasco where people's searches were released, someone would definitely find me. Especially because in class we recently had to google ourselves.

This information is probably not too valuable, unless someone kidnapped me and was pretending to be me. Or for a marketer of some sort.. looking to target me as a consumer.. which would not even be a good idea because I am extremely poor.

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