Thursday, April 2, 2009


Three things I have learned so far from 2P26:

1. People can make a serious living by tweeting, googling, blogging, facebooking, and networking. And it sounds awesome. I felt like this class should have been mandatory for business comm students, I'm only in the Media, Culture & Society stream, but I love marketing and this is such a practical tool for anyone involved with a business small or large. Specifically for small businesses though, because many of these social media tools are FREE. $$$

2. I could make a serious living by doing the above, and it would be awesome. 

3. I have also learned, along with my other classes this has popped up, that people really really need to learn to be media literate. Especially with the serious privacy issues online, you cannot go out giving random sites your postal code, SIN #, and other ID information. But people do it, and don't realize what an impact it can have on them. By learning about privacy settings, acknowledging the importance of privacy, and being informed about how information circulates through a corporate world.. the common internet user would be way better off. 

I also learned that misinformation is a huge part of the web. But at the same time, I make up information half the time to give to sites I don't exactly trust. They feel sneaky lying to us, but just as easily we can lie to them.. or so I think. Who knows what people know about me, my family, my friends. This is how people get paranoid..

4. Because #2 was not really a real point, I have also learned the importance of evaluating social media in our world. I was introduced to Twitter in this class, and at the perfect time it seems as it has exploded in popular culture. Politicians are tweeting from the White House while kids are given detention for touching a cell phone in class. McLuhan said that the media of an era changes the way we live, interact, etc. Social media seem like a new thing, that actually has the ability to change the way we think, act, interact, and grow up. The ethical consideration of new Media technologies like Twitter I think have to be very carefully considered. Especially media etiquette because I greatly dislike someone texting when I try and have a conversation with them.. c'mon people! John Stewart is my hero for this one.. Twitter

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