Friday, April 10, 2009

Personal Information; A Never-ending Battle

My privacy online is very important to me.. but I find hard to control. Like someone suggested in class, our personal information is the price we pay for being able to utilize so many different online services. I know I feel really hesitant before signing up for a service, site, or revealing any information online just like I would if someone asked me in real life. But usually, I give it away anyways. When I was younger I made up fake names, emails, zip and postal codes but I find now I am more likely to just be selective and limit who and where I give information to. Information for free contests, surveys and prizes I find I give up more easily. Which is actually strange when I think about it, who says some company I have never heard of before telling me I can win a cruise for free is NOT going to share and distribute the information I give them. They probably purely exist to gather and sell profiles about people like me who are gullible and want free things! 

I THINK that I am taking proper steps to protect myself, and I do not google my SIN card number or bank account info but I still wonder.. in what ways, unknowingly, have people or companies have collected information about me. And WHAT in the heck do they do with it? Even people like me who feel sneaky, like we've gone under the radar still receive telemarketing calls on cell phones at 3am.

It makes me feel a little paranoid, conspiracy obsessed but especially with new location centered technology.. is it really people's business where I am, what I'm doing? The online/offline fears of privacy are becoming mixed. I guess that may be the price for living in a capitalist society. But are people going to be willing to pay that price?

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