Thursday, April 2, 2009


So, I thought I had already blogged on this, but here we go!
LinkedIn is a very useful site, especially for helping a first-timer make an organized and presentable resume. My profile is not fully updated, but I made sure to put some work experience and figured I can always update it when I have more time. So far I am at 70% "profile completeness" according to the site. I think that this is a useful website to get your name out there, you never know who will look at it. It just adds to your chances of recieving a callback, without necessarily having to go out and print of 1200 resumes. It is probably my least favourite part of finding a job, I would rather have 1200 interviews. I will still end up going out and distributing a hard copy of my resume, but I will also be crossing my fingers that maybe someone will come across my online resume and say WhOA, we could use that girl. (maybe in my dreams?)

My first reaction about the site was that it was super cluttered. If I could give them any suggestions I would say to get ride of some of their links, as not all of them are necessary. Also, it would be nice if there was a bit more student friendly material. We all know how hard it is to find student jobs, especially after graduation. I think that LinkedIn could make a lot of business if they specially targeted recently graduated students.

I recently stumbled upon the Mark by Ben video on YouTube which is also an independent website by Mark Gullet's son Ben. Mark Gullet worked for the Tampa Bay Lightening hockey team, but was recently let go. Right under the video there is a link to his dad's LinkedIn profile. Very cool.

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