Thursday, April 2, 2009

Search Engine Differences/Similarities

My keyword is "American Association of Advertising Agencies" which I decided on by clicking 'random article' on Wikipedia.

Google: The association's site came up first, followed by job listing searches, executive videos, a multi-cultural advertising intern program, and some news articles about the association. It seemed like a pretty broad search result for a single company/association. There were no "sponsored ads" on the side bar.

Yahoo Canada: Many of the same links came up with a few more from American sources. There were about 13 "sponsored ads" along the side.

Live Search: All American sites about the association plus Wikipedia, and only 1 "sponsored ad". When I clicked the "only in Canada" box, the site list changed dramatically, and included a broader range of information centered around geography like Quebec but also Asia & the States.

Overall, the results differed a fair amount. I would suggest that this is an important factor that should always be taken into consideration when searching for information. Just like when I search on scholarly journal databases, I use more than one to find what I'm looking for- people should be aware that certain search engines do not always present their results in the same way, and often do not advertise this fact. I think that I have a biased love for Google so I choose it over anything else.. but who knows, they are not any more/less honest than any other search engine. And if they are, go Google!

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