Friday, February 6, 2009

#coffeesexual? ..What?!

I have found that twirl keeps me updated on tweets so I can't forget about them. If someone tweets I can answer right away which enhances the conversation aspect of twitter. I agree with the Clever Sheep blog that its important to "be a friend" because then it encourages other people to respond to your own tweets. If nobody connected by tweeting and re-tweeting there wouldn't be much of a point to twitter. Everyone would be too self absorbed. Tweeting to someone even if its about something small and insignificant shows that you care and are interested in fostering a twitter community. I would like to re-tweet but find that I don't spend enough time looking for other people to follow. Its mainly just the 2P26 class on my list and my mom and sister. I like to tweet questions and interesting links because I find you get more responses. I also "tweet the small stuff" sometimes just because its a way for people to get to know you and recognize unknown similarities.

I'll say a bit more about hashtags.. and how its a cool way to see what people are saying about a certain subject. This is really useful for people looking for a variety of opinions or feedback on a show(like LOST from my last post), product, or blog. The lists of words that have been tagged are insanely long. There are over 50 different tags for COFFEE alone that are listed in English. I don't know if coffee is different in other languages, I would assume so. I don't find myself using hashtags. I should probably experiment with them for this class so I get a good mark. I think instead of using a hashtag mid-sentence, I will tag a key word at the end or at the beginning. I read someones blog about how its #annoying to read a #tweet that's #filled with #hashtags. This is sometimes true.

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