Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blogging about BLOGS.

I think that the idea of a moblog is really interesting, but the interface of the website is TERRIBLE. It is so cluttered, to complex and not very user friendly. Also, every users profile is different and I couldn’t tell whether the photo was taken by a cellphone camera or a real camera. The few I visited seemed to be posting pictures from a real camera, rather than a cellphone. Would this not be more of a photoblog? Hmm.. Anyways, the moblog idea is really cool. Twitterpics might be more useful because it has a simpler interface. Also, the short content limits make it idea for cellphone users.
I found a cool group that consisted of members who post “Signs - daft signs, cool signs, any signs.” It was much easier to view than a specific user. The group system and tagging of moblogs allows for easy searching of specific pictures. It is also interesting to see in what ways different users collaborate.
Overall, moblogging seems pointless to me seeing as how cellphones are incorporates into any type of blogging nowadays. A specific one for cellphones does not seem interesting or unique now that you can text to your facebook, flickr, twitter, etc.

I went to to investigate photoblogs. I think that these are super super cool. If “a picture is worth a thousand words” then this type of blogging is useful to communicate with a large amount of people. Instead of being restricted to words, photos allow a more free vehicle of expression whether it is for a specific message or personal use.
I found this flickr member and thought it was really cool to see that other users could tag areas of the picture and add a comment specifically to that area. It makes the composition so much more interesting!

First I found this:
A contest for the best video blogs ever.
Second, I found THIS amazing with a videoblog called “Speed Dating” that features Kristen Schaal who is MEL from Flight of the Conchords so I figured I needed to use this as an example. It is not a traditional videoblog, as it incorporates animation editing to form a video blog “production” in a way. I think it still counts as a video blog because the issue of truth is confronted. Videoblogs (like lonelygirl) are often confronted by issues of authenticity, and in this blog it doesn’t try to present itself as “real” character. It creates a fictional character Jerry to present the authors real thoughts, in turn avoiding the chance of presenting fake material. There is also a written blog to explain his own experiences and why he made the video the way he did. I think that is shows how videoblogs are changing and people are using them for many different things, not just as a personal encounter with your computers webcam


I found this website on how to create your own audioblog. Very useful. offers services to create your own audioblog and “media for the masses”. lets you record your phone conversations and conference calls.
The only real web example I could find was this but a lot of the links were expired. It basically posts songs and then blogs about them so you can listen and read at the same time, very cool. Audioblogging seems to be something you incorporate into your written blog. A podcast usually accompanies something else like a tv show, celebrity, artist, radio show, etc. To simply be an audioblogger doesn’t seem very popular.. podcasts are very popular but don’t interact with other podcasts so they aren’t really like blogs. They simply can be part of a blog or advertised by one.
PS: My favourite podcast is Stuart McLeans’s Vinyl Cafe form CBC!! Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carissa I also think the idea of Moblog is really interesting, the one I went to wasn't cluttered at all, you can check it out by visiting my Blog and looking at my post about the various types of Blogs
