Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Social Network

My circle blog did NOT work out well. I made both of my lists but I don't really get how to plot it on the circle chart.  If anyone knows feel free to comment and explain.. I don't know what is wrong with me. I don’t know what does in what circle ring.. or if its all up to me. Oh well, by analyzing my lists I can still answer the questions for this assignment.

My social network is not very big, probably because I've lived the same place my whole life and things have not changed much. My work experience leads to new connections while going to school at Brock has done the same. For close ties it was mostly family and friends I've known for a long time. Somewhat close ties were people from work, highschool, and other reasons but were not people I'd call up on the weekend to hangout with. For very close friends and family the communication I used most were F2F and cell phones. For people listed on the very close list without F2F, it was mostly because they live farther away and I only see them a few times a year. My somewhat close ties rely heavily on Facebook and IM but there were a few surprising exceptions of F2F communication as well. 

Very close relationships are people who I trust and have known for a long time. The somewhat close list was separated into three very distinct groups. It consisted of people from highschool I still get together with every now and then, friends from work in the summer, and people from Wainfleet (haha). Mostly everyone was on Facebook except for my dad who doesn’t know how to scroll down a webpage and my boyfriend who is currently boycotting most technology (loser).

Critical commentary? I would assume that the longer I am living, the larger my network will become. Especially when I try to find a real job or career I would assume that I will put a more concious effort into networking for my benefit. 

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