Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Helloo Fellow 2p26ers

2. Introduce yourself! Who are you? What things interest you? What do you want to do with yourself after university?

WELL- My name is Carissa as you can tell my the very original blog title above. I'm a second year Media, Culture and Society Communications major. I still live at home (good times) with my fam in Welland and usually take the bus to big bad Brock. It sounds lame but I owe the government or any bank zero dollars which keeps me happy. I am really interested in the side of communications that this class is concerned with.. I like learning about the history of communication and how its changed, why it matters, and how it effects things we do today. I love pop culture and how it makes mundane texts seem like they matter. I also love art! 

Other than school I enjoy snowboarding anywhere possible, reading non-text books, and music. I LOVE hiking, walking or being anywhere outside and if you are a Brock student and have not been to Decew Falls I strongly suggest that you go there! Its literally right behind the school and in the winter it forms a massive, massive ice bridge under the falls and you can walk around and behind it. This may be slightly dangerous but its super pretty and exciting. There is even a long old water shaft of some sort in the rock that is home to bats and a scary beaver.. so if you love wild animals..

Anyways, after university I am thinking of going into some sort of post-grad college program to give me real world skills unless something really makes me want to go for a masters degree. I still have absolutely no idea about my future but I will just keep finding out what I'm interested in and hopefully something good will happen. Next year I want to go to Glasgow on an exchange but I'm not 100% sure about plans yet.

I hope this was an invigorating read! Seeeeyah in class.

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