Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Social Network

My circle blog did NOT work out well. I made both of my lists but I don't really get how to plot it on the circle chart.  If anyone knows feel free to comment and explain.. I don't know what is wrong with me. I don’t know what does in what circle ring.. or if its all up to me. Oh well, by analyzing my lists I can still answer the questions for this assignment.

My social network is not very big, probably because I've lived the same place my whole life and things have not changed much. My work experience leads to new connections while going to school at Brock has done the same. For close ties it was mostly family and friends I've known for a long time. Somewhat close ties were people from work, highschool, and other reasons but were not people I'd call up on the weekend to hangout with. For very close friends and family the communication I used most were F2F and cell phones. For people listed on the very close list without F2F, it was mostly because they live farther away and I only see them a few times a year. My somewhat close ties rely heavily on Facebook and IM but there were a few surprising exceptions of F2F communication as well. 

Very close relationships are people who I trust and have known for a long time. The somewhat close list was separated into three very distinct groups. It consisted of people from highschool I still get together with every now and then, friends from work in the summer, and people from Wainfleet (haha). Mostly everyone was on Facebook except for my dad who doesn’t know how to scroll down a webpage and my boyfriend who is currently boycotting most technology (loser).

Critical commentary? I would assume that the longer I am living, the larger my network will become. Especially when I try to find a real job or career I would assume that I will put a more concious effort into networking for my benefit. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interpersonal Communication Technology

Overall, ICTs are definitely a huge part of my life. Unlike many people previously feared, ICT use has not gotten rid of face to face communication completely. Yes, it does substitute for some face to face communication, but at the same time it allows for so much more communication overall. Thanks to my cell phone, Facebook, and/or MSN no matter how trivial the content, I still can interact with a far greater amount of people if I could only communicate F2F. It would be unrealistic to think that people could live without face to face communication. Even with all of the devices that have replaced humans, a lot of them still rely on us as a secondary source (like the blood pressure machines). A lot of the time I have questions that google can't answer, and I need to ask a real life human being! 

I think its interesting how my cell phone acts as a doorbell, alarm clock, pocket watch, planner, reminder, and communicating device all in one. I know a lot of people that don't wear a wrist watch because they carry a cell phone in their pocket daily. Even though I rely on text messaging to meet up with people or to catch up briefly, it has not replaced the phone call. Its really handy if you have a short message but in depth conversations through text messaging causes trouble. First of all, just like MSN text messages DON'T convey tone or importance. I know people who would have marathon battles through text message and this amazes me. I can't remember one thing I've sent two messages before if somebody responds in between. For school and work I find that email is one of the most important things to communicate. Email seems more formal because its a more casual form of letter writing, but people still ask you to use correct email etiquette. A professor for one of my classes spent 20 minutes explaining the rules of email. I think that instant messaging, Facebook messaging or groups provide accessible means of communication and are far more casual (and less work) than an email. I also use to find new music, but I don't really use the messaging feature. Its mostly for the cool charts and recommended artists suggestions.

Overall, I noticed that I am probably on the Internet too much, but my cell phone use is extremely limited. I rely on my cellular phone to make short term plans, like getting in touch with someone at school or calling for a ride from the bus stop. My computer is needed for work communication, school, and social communication although i probably spend too much time on Facebook. I don't even do much, I just have the constant urge to check it and read my news feed no matter how useless it is! MSN is my essay writing lifeline so I know I'm not the only one struggling to survive at 3am, and for quick catching up with friends. Without ICT's, the information or network society would not really be possible. Especially things like twitter that can be used for simple purposes, for building a career, or discussing major issues. They allow such a variety of information to be communicated that I can't see any other way of transmitting information. Imagine only being able to talk to someone far away by snail mail. Not possible after experiencing the convenience of today's ICTs.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Helloo Fellow 2p26ers

2. Introduce yourself! Who are you? What things interest you? What do you want to do with yourself after university?

WELL- My name is Carissa as you can tell my the very original blog title above. I'm a second year Media, Culture and Society Communications major. I still live at home (good times) with my fam in Welland and usually take the bus to big bad Brock. It sounds lame but I owe the government or any bank zero dollars which keeps me happy. I am really interested in the side of communications that this class is concerned with.. I like learning about the history of communication and how its changed, why it matters, and how it effects things we do today. I love pop culture and how it makes mundane texts seem like they matter. I also love art! 

Other than school I enjoy snowboarding anywhere possible, reading non-text books, and music. I LOVE hiking, walking or being anywhere outside and if you are a Brock student and have not been to Decew Falls I strongly suggest that you go there! Its literally right behind the school and in the winter it forms a massive, massive ice bridge under the falls and you can walk around and behind it. This may be slightly dangerous but its super pretty and exciting. There is even a long old water shaft of some sort in the rock that is home to bats and a scary beaver.. so if you love wild animals..

Anyways, after university I am thinking of going into some sort of post-grad college program to give me real world skills unless something really makes me want to go for a masters degree. I still have absolutely no idea about my future but I will just keep finding out what I'm interested in and hopefully something good will happen. Next year I want to go to Glasgow on an exchange but I'm not 100% sure about plans yet.

I hope this was an invigorating read! Seeeeyah in class.