Monday, June 8, 2009

Task #9!

I have learned LOTS from this class.. Before 3P96 I think I was unaware of what an impact games have on the world we live in. I mean, I knew that they were more popular than ever but I never really clued in to how much of a major role they played in our popular culture, even though I am majoring in communications. I had also never heard of serious games before.. and I think its a great concept. 

Throughout this course we have explore various types of gaming. I find that now I have a better understanding of different classifications of games. We started out with games like blockbreaker and my personal favourite poppit from Then discussed the social aspects of games on Facebook that allow you to play with your friends and in my opinion enhance the competitiveness. And eventually worked through role playing MMO's and virtual worlds. It is remarkable how much computer gaming has evolved, but all levels still continue to attract gamers of all ages. 

I think that in my leisure time I will continue to try out second life. Even before this class I was interested in making an avatar since I saw Dwight K Shrute made a mini Dwight on the Office, and in class someone informed me there is an entire Dunder Mifflen (awesome) ! It is much more difficult to play than I had previously assumed and that must be part of the challenge to get going in second life. Its not all just given to you, as a gamer/player you still need to experiment to see how things work. 

Part Two:
(Did this in my previous blog accidently...)

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